Daily Research - 03/09/2021

Day 46 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....


The most difficult part of any battle is mental toughness.  We will never give up! Have you noticed that President Trump hasn't stopped or conceded? It's because Biden was never sworn in and the Executive Orders written by President Trump set up the hand off of our government to the military.  We are watching the old guard be exposed...more of them are getting netted every day as they try stupidly to cover up their lies.  

Going to do a shallow(very shallow) dig today on their mindset and what is behind the whole system.  It isn't just a way of life for them, or their livelihood, it is their religion.  There are many tentacles of the Global Crime Syndicate which are interconnected and definitely working together. One group is in charge of one type of operation and another in charge of another...and so it goes.  They seem to have somewhat of a thieves code of contact...but they are taking orders from the top.  Because thieves can't trust each other, they all have to  have dirt on each other so that if one goes down or betrays another...their sins will be paraded out ensuring that they stay in line and obey orders from their handlers.  

The interesting thing is that this isn't new.  It has been going on for a very long time.  We are just being able to see it because the technology they created to hurt us is now doubled back on them and being used to take them down.  They lost because they are arrogant, stupid and thought they could win against Almighty God...with the fatal move of hurting children...his children.  This isn't going to end well for any of them who threw in with the Global Crime Syndicate...Satan worshiping, Masonic, Jesuit, death cult.  From the bottom to the top they lost.  We are just in the largest clean up of their filthy degenerate activities. 

We need to continue to pray and keep our minds strong and tough.  As always in the end...God wins...God always wins.  



Election Fraud...

They think they can cover their tracks...We have it all.  Funny when they try to cover up the lie it just makes it worse and nets even more people who are guilty.  Never interfere with the enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves. 


and Imagine our surprise....



Symbolism will be their downfall - Q


Skull and Bones is an interesting dig...


And it continues in America...




Death and connections of Olivier Dessault...

Brilliant work by anons Re5iGam and Army of Frogs...

Which brings us to why this thread is pertinent here...symbolism.  Look at all the 3's.  They can't and help themselves because their symbolism is a way they communicate and the code/belief system they live by. Symbolism....and rituals.  Makes it easier to spot them. 

Dessault Aviation?

Helicopter crash which killed management of The Standard Hotel...The Standard Hotel is huge.  Deaths - acid discovered running down the exterior downspouts (the way they get rid of bodies) - human trafficking and the Boom Boom Room...

And back we go to the Rothschilds involvement... back to the foundations and banksters.

Hotels...and that brings us right back to follow the money...banking

Which brings us to what is happening...

Brilliant work by another anon Enochele...

Strategy - Anons, Q posts and News Bites...




For those of you who are new...War Horse posts throughout the day...Check back later for more.
