Daily Research - 07/29/2021

Day 186 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....(this is a clue BTW...NCSWIC)

Oh wow is this getting fun!! The gasps of desperation are getting louder and easier to spot.  The Global Crime Syndicate has had a surgeons hand cut their strings.  It's a beautiful thing.  Individual character is becoming very clear also.  In our quest to question everything...in an unrelenting way...looking for responsibility and accountability... we also need to question our own motivation.  Guaranteed when we are pointing out the flaws of others...three fingers are pointing back at ourselves. (Point at anything, look at your hand and you will see the illustration.)

Not only are we seeing politicians and the big movers "playing life' for their own advantage...but we are also seeing the sifting process expose individuals.  Where your treasure is that's where your heart is found also...and your motivation too. Do we operate with an eternal perspective...in service to God, family, country and creation as it's stewards?  Or are we just in it for the praise of men...trying to be right...piling up what we have done...what we own...where we have been...or traveled...or or or.... The black hole of filling empty hearts in a quest to matter... the quest to truly be loved unconditionally.  That hole can only be filled by God...we are incomplete without Him.  And once we experience that love there is no going back.  The is no chance that we will turn our backs on Him ...or his children.  We will fight against evil, and corruption because it is so abhorrent...intolerable that we would rather die fighting it than let allow it to exist.

The Global Crime Syndicate has a real problem...us!!!  And there are so many more of us that they are insignificant in the grand scheme...they need us...we don't need them.  All it is going to take, is for all of us to stand up and say "No freaking way is this criminal behavior continuing on my watch."  What does that look like?  Involvement...being loud...standing up...running for office!!!  If we want this country to stand...its time for self reflection...what are you/I going to do to help???  Are we willing to lay aside our ego?  Are we willing to do huge things that we never thought possible? Are we willing to give God the reins? Are we willing to pray and make a commitment to involve God in every step on this path...and are we willing to help others...to create that community by laying ourselves aside and helping regardless of what we are asked to do.  We have a hard walk back ahead of us and we all have to stand in unity.  

War Horse recently was asked "who do you follow?"  Thought that was a pretty short sighted and immature question honestly.  Truth is truth and if we are willing to listen, truth can come from the most humble sources...not always the big information brokering guys.  Information can be equated to things.  Are we collecting information just like the stuff mart mentality of material things? Hopefully not.  Are we aligning with people as if to justify ourselves...or to turn ourselves into personas like wise old sages to be followed without question?  Information is for clarification... to help others...and to craft a plan to go forward.  And forward we march....WWG1WGA unwavering as humanity standing together.  No one has the right to demand that you do anything!!!! It is your choice as a sovereign citizen of the United States.  Free citizen!! Rights given by God...guaranteed by the Constitution!!  War Horse will continue to stand with you and fight for your rights. 



Election/Voter Fraud...

Analyst, Captain Seth Keshel claims that President Trump has a margin of victory of 424,000 votes in Pennsylvania alone.  This thing is going to blow wide open...but watch what the feds are trying to do to super cede the rights of the States.  This is why it is so important to know the division of power between the Federal Government and States rights.   Anyone who is fighting how the Founding Fathers set this nation up has never read or studied the intelligent design to foil corruption...which they knew was inevitable. How did they know this?  Because they were familiar with the same playbook the Global Crime Syndicate had used throughout history- they just got rid of the English Monarchy ...tyranny and oppression by power hungry psychopaths (yes there is more to this...but I'm simplifying here to make a point.)

So what does the strategy appear to be? Well it comes down to Federal over reach and State's rights.   

Basically the Federal Government has the right to coin money, build interstate roads, and have a standing army.  The States have the right to run their own elections secure their own borders, public welfare, build and maintain state roads, etc.  

So when they scammed Covid upon us...the swing states changed the election rules right before the elections...and it was illegal because the people didn't get to vote on it. By the stroke of a pen ...changed election laws in the favor of their little Global Crime Syndicate band of self enriching criminals and thieves.  Nobody is standing here wringing their hands.  Let them commit the crime.  Their little network is so big that it is shocking - Federal, State, and local involvement...nobody walks away from this.  Patience....Unwavering standing for the truth...law and order.  

Sooo ...why are the state legislators not prosecuting the Governors and the Secretaries of States?  Why, now, is the DOJ, a Federal organization siding with the Governors and State Secretaries...who illegally changed rules...and are interfering with the audits? Because they are just one big infiltrating happy family of communists.  Bingo!! They change rules, boundaries, laws, border, policies whenever it goes in their favor.  And the the MSM propaganda spin doctors support their actions by silencing anyone who asks questions.  Apparently, when it comes to stealing an elections, State Governors and Secretaries of States, must be flexible... so that they can cut the will of the people right out of their way and employ the strong arm tactics of the FBI, DOJ, etc to carry out their criminal behavior.  Question FBI behavior...look at January 6...and the FBI complicit alleged kidnapping of Whitmer. The dirt keeps getting deeper. 

War Horse is making a prediction that we can watch the corrupt DOJ, FBI and clowns structures...and corrupt individuals... crumble in all areas of illegal involvement and complicity.  The net is widening...they are going to get them all...

Shhhhhh....this is about catching bad guys....watching the panic is fun....



What...this is not adding up...not their sandbox?  Why didn't they caution States on changing election rules right before the election? Why now? 

Wait...what? Rig the rules illegally and then double down...





Q Decodes for new people...

World Events....



Covid - lies and eugenics...

Long but worth the time....

More doctors are speaking out.  They are not having any luck censoring any more...truth is getting out in spite of their efforts to silence.

Waiting for the teachers union to get involved.  It was good enough for the kids...but what about the teachers?


Strategy - Anons, Q Posts, and News Bites...

Unflinching....Unwavering...So that in that day of testing we can stand!!!




For those of you who are new...War Horse posts throughout the day...Check back later for more.


This article was updated on July 29, 2021
