Daily Research 02/02/2021

Day 13 - Foreign Occupation (only for optics)

Still not sick of winning!! The Global Crime Syndicate is being dismantled a piece at a time...every day more and more is being exposed.  War Horse got into this fight for many reasons, but when you hit the bottom of the rabbit hole of information there is no going back.  Politicians are complicit puppets...so is corporate America, Hollywood, MSM Foreign Governments...and it involves every disgusting, immoral, horrific act which in our most day...normal people couldn't even imagine.  As we move forward, remember there is nothing new under the sun.  This has been going on for a long time...but it is ending.  We are part of ending this world wide organization which victimizes the most vulnerable. 

War Horse is going to spend some time showing you some of the underbelly of the beast...but I will put it under separate posts with a clear warning. It is everyone's choice to know...or not to. No judgement if it is too disturbing...

So let's get back to asking questions and exposing the truth about the world we live in.  President Trump clearly laid out a plan by his executive orders, declarations and proclamations. The restoration of our nation is in progress...it is far from over and we won already!!!! Our job is to spread correct information and hold the line.  We need to keep our attitudes positive and flood ourselves with correct information to counteract the brain washing psy-op which is being waged against the population of the United States.  Guard yourself from the lies!! We need to turn off the sources of propaganda...the MSM and anything which causes, fear and division.

Some good news to start the day.  Looking at legal moves is where we find the truth...not headlines.

It takes War Horse a while to get everything vetted and up...but doing the best we can in an ever changing battlefield. Check back throughout the day.

Dan Scavino...always note his posts...

Election Fraud is a persistent thing...Myanmar and Smartmatic

Look at the date...

Strategy - Anon, Qposts and News Bites

Have you watched the Press Secretary? Now they are having to give her questions before the pressers...Why? 

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawsuit dropped!! Hmmmm.....Cabal not in charge.

Biden Pick fails...


Warren Buffet behind Keystone cancellation? follow the money...

FBI Criminal Organization...

Zero credibility.... Finding evidence? Planting evidence? or Hiding evidence?... there is no way to know.  Can we trust an organization who has proven to be untrustworthy?? Believe nothing from them...
