War Horse

Daily Research - 02/04/2021

Day 14 - Foreign OccupationEconomic playbook is right out in the open. It has been for a while, and we can see it starting with Trump's economic policies, EOs(Executive Orders), statements, and decrees. We have been told that we would be brought to the precipice in the Q drops...and we are getting there. The Fed has been restructured under the Treasury and is no longer a Foreign privately held entity controlled by the Central Bank/IMF/CFR and all the players involved…

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Daily Research - 02/03/2021

Day 13 - Foreign OccupationWar Horse is asked multiple questions every day about the future and what is going to happen next. Why are you so confident that we won? The nature, size and scope of this war to bring down a Global Crime Syndicate is enormous...and we ARE and have been in a war for sometime...and we are winning!! We have already won!!! By studying, asking questions, thinking rather than allowing ourselves to be programmed...the truth floats easily to…

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Daily Research 02/02/2021

Day 13 - Foreign Occupation (only for optics)Still not sick of winning!! The Global Crime Syndicate is being dismantled a piece at a time...every day more and more is being exposed. War Horse got into this fight for many reasons, but when you hit the bottom of the rabbit hole of information there is no going back. Politicians are complicit puppets...so is corporate America, Hollywood, MSM Foreign Governments...and it involves every disgusting, immoral, horrific act which in our most day...normal…

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Daily Research - 02/01/2021

Day 12 - Foreign Occupation and things are moving fast.There are an amazing number of things going on behind the scenes. The governments of more and more countries are stepping down and the economic theater is going nuts. As of this morning silver is up $3 and climbing rapidly. We can prepare for what is coming but it isn't going to be for everyone. Starting with the economic upheaval we are going to continue to see. They are breaking the…

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Daily Research - 01/31/2021

Day 11- Foreign Occupation Every day a piece of the puzzle is being revealed. This is the changing of the old guard. The Global Crime Syndicate is being dismantled one piece at a time. Why has the White House been dark for 10 days? Why are there more troops building up in DC? Many connections going to move all to 02/01/2021 for cohesiveness. Watch Stay Peaceful... We are winning. Researchers are keeping watch and will let everyone know what is happening…

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